Pensions Dashboards

You may have seen, news about Pensions Dashboards. The goal of these Pensions Dashboards is to show individuals all of their pension information online, securely and all in one place — including the State Pension.

This is a large and complex project being run by the Money & Pensions Service (MaPS). The Trustee and Buck are taking the necessary steps to ensure all data guidelines associated with the project are adhered to.

The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) plans to introduce the Pension Dashboards in a phased manner, starting with a limited number of pension providers and gradually expanding the coverage. This approach allows for a controlled implementation and ensures a smooth user experience. We’ll be in touch with more information around specific go-live dates in due course.

Developing and delivering dashboards is a complex project and it’s taking longer than anticipated. Following March’s general announcement of a reset to the Government’s schedule for the Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP), Pensions Minister Laura Trott has now provided the first date to go into the revised timeline. Schemes will have until 31 October 2026 to connect to the digital architecture for pensions dashboards. That’s about two and a half years later than previous regulations suggested. In the meantime, you can prepare by making sure your details are up to date on the Member Portal.

image of nationwide site on a phone

For more information on the Pensions Dashboard Programme, please visit

Finding lost pensions with the Pension Tracing Service

The pressing issue of lost pensions, estimated to reach a staggering £27 billion in the UK, is at the forefront of the Pensions Dashboard Programme. The Pension Tracing Service is an impartial service to help locate your lost pensions and then offer advice so you understand what you can do with them.

Visit the Pension Tracing Service website at